Namespace: VerintXM




(static) cancelPendingInvites(success, error)

Cancels any pending invites for the user when the type is EXIT_INVITE or EXIT_SURVEY.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.cancelPendingInvites(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) checkEligibility(success, error)

Checks to see if the user is eligible for a survey. If the user meets trigger criteria *and* are in the sampling pool, the invitation is presented. Implementers must explicitly check for eligibility (the SDK does not do this automatically).
Name Type Description
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.checkEligibility(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) checkIfDigitalSurveyEnabled(success, error)

Checks whether the default Digital Survey is enabled.
Name Type Description
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.checkIfDigitalSurveyEnabled(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) checkIfDigitalSurveyEnabledForName(surveyName, success, error)

Checks whether a Digital survey is enabled for a given name.
Name Type Description
surveyName String Given survey name.
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.checkIfDigitalSurveyEnabledForName("digital_1", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) customInviteAccepted(success, error)

Notifies the SDK that a custom invite has been accepted. You should call this method whenever a user accepts a custom invitation that you’ve presented.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.customInviteAccepted(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) customInviteDeclined(success, error)

Notifies the SDK that a custom invite has been declined. You should call this method whenever a user declines a custom invitation that you’ve presented.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.customInviteDeclined(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) getAllCPPs(success, error)

Gets an object containing all available Custom Passed Parameters (CPP) key/value pairs.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.getAllCPPs(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) getAllContactDetails(success, error)

Returns all key/value pairs of the configured contact details for the CONTACT invites.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing key/value pairs with all contact details configured for user.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.getAllContactDetails(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) getAvailableDigitalSurveyNames(success, error)

Returns all available Digital Survey names defined in the Configuration.
Name Type Description
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.getAvailableDigitalSurveyNames(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) getCPP(key, success, error)

Gets the value of the Custom Passed Parameter (CPP) with the given key.
Name Type Description
key String CPP key.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.getCPP("customParam", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) getContactDetails(type, success, error)

Returns the user's contact details for the CONTACT invites.
Name Type Description
type String Type of the contact to get, "Email" or "PhoneNumber".
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the string with a user's contact details (it if was set).
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.getContactDetails("Email", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) getPreferredContactType(success, error)

Returns the preferred contact type for the CONTACT invites.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the string with the referred contact type.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.getPreferredContactType(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) getVersion(success, error)

Returns the version of the SDK.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message with the version of the SDK.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.getVersion(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) incrementPageViews(success, error)

Manually increments the number of page views criteria counted by the Verint SDK. This can be useful when the user expected a new page to have been shown.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.incrementPageViews(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) incrementSignificantEvent(key, success, error)

Increments the count for the significant event with the given key.
Name Type Description
key String Significant event key.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.incrementSignificantEvent("yourSignificantEventKey", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) isDebugLogEnabled(success, error)

Returns whether or not debug logging is enabled.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing Boolean value TRUE or FALSE.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.isDebugLogEnabled(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) removeCPP(key, success, error)

Removes the Custom Passed Parameter (CPP) with the given key.
Name Type Description
key String CPP key.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.removeCPP("customParam", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) removeDigitalListener(success, error)

Removes the Digital (ex Feedback) Listener.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.removeDigitalListener(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) removeInviteListener(success, error)

Removes the invite listener.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.removeInviteListener(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) resetSignificantEventCount(key, success, error)

Resets the significant event count for a given key.
Name Type Description
key String Significant event key.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.resetSignificantEventCount("yourSignificantEventKey", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) resetSignificantEvents(success, error)

Resets all significant events.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.resetSignificantEvents(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) resetState(success, error)

Resets the Verint SDK.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.resetState(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setCPP(key, value, success, error)

Sets a Custom Passed Parameter (CPP) for the given key/value pair. CPPs are transmitted along with surveys upon submission.
Name Type Description
key String CPP key.
value String CPP value.
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setCPP("customParam", "customValue", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setContactDetails(details, type, success, error)

Sets the user's contact details for the CONTACT invites. This method can be used to provide a user’s contact information, so that they do not need to enter it manually. When provided, the default invite skips the user input screen.
Name Type Description
details String Contact value.
type String Type of the contact, "Email" or "PhoneNumber".
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setContactDetails("", "Email", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setDebugLogEnabled(enabled, success, error)

Sets whether or not to enable debug logging. Debug logging prints useful state information to the console for inspection. By default, debug logging is disabled.
Name Type Description
enabled String | boolean value indicating should debug log be enabled, "true" or "false", true or false.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setDebugLogEnabled("true", _onSuccess, _onFailure);
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setDebugLogEnabled(true, _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setDigitalListener(success, error)

Sets the Digital (ex Feedback) Listener.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setDigitalListener(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setInviteListener(success, error)

Sets the invite listener.
Name Type Description
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setInviteListener(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setPreferredContactType(type, success, error)

Sets the preferred contact type for the CONTACT invites.
Name Type Description
type String Type of the contact, "Email" or "PhoneNumber".
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setPreferredContactType("Email", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setSignificantEventCount(count, key, success, error)

Sets the significant event count for a given key.
Name Type Description
count String Significant event count.
key String Significant event key.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setSignificantEventCount("yourSignificantEventCount", "yourSignificantEventKey", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) setSkipPoolingCheck(shouldSkip, success, error)

Toggles the pooling check. When debugging your implementation of the Verint SDK, it may be useful to disable the pooling check. This ensures that the invitation will always shows if the loyalty criteria has been fulfilled.
Name Type Description
shouldSkip String | boolean Value indicating should pooling check be skipped, "true" or "false", true or false.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setSkipPoolingCheck("true", _onSuccess, _onFailure);
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.setSkipPoolingCheck(true, _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) showDigitalSurvey(success, error)

Presents the default Digital survey (the first one in the configuration json).
Name Type Description
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.showDigitalSurvey(_onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) showDigitalSurveyForName(surveyName, success, error)

Presents the Digital survey for a given name.
Name Type Description
surveyName String Given survey name.
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.showDigitalSurveyForName("digital_1", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) showInvite(surveyId, success, error)

Presents the invitation for a given survey ID (sid).
Name Type Description
surveyId String Given survey ID (sid).
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.showInvite("app_test_1", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) showSurvey(surveyId, success, error)

Presents the survey for a given survey ID (sid).
Name Type Description
surveyId String Survey ID (sid).
success callback A Cordova-style success callback object.
error callback A Cordova-style error callback object.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.showSurvey("app_test_1", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) start(config, success, error)

Starts the Verint SDK. Accepts an optional config object (which must represent a valid Verint config, including a clientId). If no config is provided, then the native module will look for the config in a file called exp_configuration.json (which must be available to the native modules).
Name Type Description
config JSON JSON with a valid config object.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.start(config, _onSucess, _onFailure);

(static) startWithConfigurationFile(fileName, success, error)

Starts the Verint SDK with the given configuration file in your native module.
Name Type Description
fileName String The name of the configuration file to use when loading modules.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.startWithConfigurationFile("my_config.json", _onSuccess, _onFailure);

(static) startWithConfigurationJson(jsonString, success, error)

Starts the Verint SDK with the given configuration JSON string.
Name Type Description
jsonString String The configuration string in JSON format to use when loading modules.
success callback Callback that is invoked upon receiving the data about the invoked command. The callback takes one parameter, containing the message from a command.
error callback Optional callback that is invoked in the event of an error. The callback takes one error parameter, containing the details of the error.
cordova.plugins.verint.xm.startWithConfigurationJson(jsonString, _onSuccess, _onFailure);